Person, Place, Or Thing Worksheets
Download these Person, Place, or Thing Worksheets and use them in class today! When learning nouns, Grade 2 students discover how to categorize them as either a person, a place, or a thing. This fundamental skill sets the stage for them to further distinguish nouns into more specific types, such as common and proper nouns and collective nouns, in future lessons. Each worksheet below challenges students to sort and categorize nouns as either a person, place, or thing. As always, these worksheets are free for you to use in your lessons and are designed to make learning both fun and effective!
Person, Place, Or Thing Worksheets

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Worksheet 3

Worksheet 4

Worksheet 5
Irregular Plural Noun Worksheets
Singular And Plural Noun Worksheets
Common And Proper Noun Worksheets
Collective Noun Worksheets