Useful List Of Common English Abbreviations
Abbreviations are shortened forms of words used in place of full words. Abbreviations are often used in contexts where you need to fit a lot of words into a small space. They are also useful to use in place of long phrases to make sentences shorter and easier to read.
When English language learners come across abbreviations in texts, they a likely to have difficulty understanding their meaning unless they have taken the time to learn common English abbreviations. Below you’ll find a useful list of common English abbreviations and their meanings. You’ll also be able to download a printable PDF of these abbreviations to help you learn or teach these words to students.
Related: Acroynm Examples
English Abbreviations List
- Dr. = Doctor
- Mr. = Mister
- Mrs. = Misses
- Ms. = Miss
- Ave. = Avenue
- Blvd. = Boulevard
- Dr. = Drive
- Ln. = Lane
- Rd. = Road
- E = East
- N = North
- NE = North East
- NW = North West
- S = South
- SE = South East
- SW = South West
- W = West
- BA = Bachelor of Arts
- BS = Bachelor of Science
- MA = Master of Arts
- MBA = Master of Business Administration
- MFA = Master of Fine Arts
- Asst. = Assistant
- Corp. = Corporation
- Ltd = Limited
- Inc. = Incorporated
- VP = Vice President
- PA = Personal Assistant
- brb = be right back
- lol = laugh out loud
- np = no problem
- ty = thank you
- yw = you’re welcome
- sry = sorry
- ofc = of course
- IMO = in my opinion
- tbh = to be honest
- FYI = for your information
- jk = joking
- bro = brother
- bros = brothers
- sis = sister
- etc. = etcetera
- e.g. = example gratia (for example)
- i.e. = id est (that is)
- n.b = nota bene (take note)
- P.S. = post scriptum (written after)
- et al. = et alia (and others)
- C.V. = curriculum vitae
- fig. = figure
- ft. = feet
- hr. = hour
- min. = minute
- sq. = square
- St. = street
- yd. = yard
- tbs. = tablespoon
- tbsp. = tablespoon
- n/a = not applicable
- a.m. = ante meridiem (before noon)
- p.m. = post meridiem (after noon)
- GMT = Greenwich Mean Time
- UTC = Universal Time Coordinated
- PST = Pacific Standard Time
- EST = Eastern Standard Time
- CST = Central Standard Time
- approx. = approximately
- appt = appointment
- no = number
- tel = telephone
- temp = temporary
- vet = veterinarian
- vs = versus