Extensive List Of 5 Letter Words In English | A to Z
There’s a reason that games like Wordle use 5 letter words! And that’s because there are a huge amount of 5 letter words in the English language. So many in fact, it would be near impossible to list them all here, but we will do our best to list some of the most common 5 letter words in English. Below you’ll find an extensive list of 5 letter words from A to Z.
5 Letter Words Starting With A
- aback
- abase
- abate
- abide
- abode
- abort
- about
- abuse
- abuzz
- aches
- achoo
- acids
- acidy
- actor
- acute
- adapt
- added
- admin
- admit
- adobe
- adopt
- adorn
- adult
- affix
- afoot
- afoul
- after
- again
- agent
- aging
- aglow
- agony
- agree
- ahead
- ahold
- aided
- aimed
- aired
- aisle
- alarm
- alert
- alias
- alien
- alike
- allay
- allot
- alloy
- aloft
- alone
- aloof
- aloud
- alpha
- amaze
- amber
- amend
- amino
- amiss
- among
- amour
- amuse
- angel
- anger
- angle
- anglo
- angry
- anime
- ankle
- annul
- anvil
- apart
- apnea
- apple
- apply
- apron
- areas
- arena
- armed
- armor
- arose
- array
- arson
- artsy
- aside
- asked
- askew
- asset
- atoms
- atone
- audio
- audit
- aunty
- avail
- avert
- avoid
- await
- awake
- award
- aware
- awash
- awful
- awoke
5 Letter Words Starting With B
- babel
- babes
- backs
- bacon
- baddy
- badge
- badly
- bagel
- baggy
- baked
- baker
- bakes
- baler
- balky
- balls
- balmy
- bands
- bandy
- banks
- bared
- barks
- barmy
- baron
- based
- basic
- basil
- basin
- batch
- bates
- baths
- baton
- batty
- beach
- beads
- beady
- beaky
- beams
- beamy
- beans
- beard
- bears
- beast
- bebop
- beech
- beeps
- beers
- began
- begin
- begot
- beige
- belch
- belle
- bells
- belly
- below
- belts
- bench
- bends
- bendy
- berth
- beset
- besot
- bests
- bibbs
- bible
- bicep
- bides
- bidet
- biked
- biker
- bikes
- bills
- binge
- bingo
- bipod
- birch
- birds
- birth
- bison
- bites
- black
- blade
- blame
- blank
- blaze
- bleak
- bleed
- bleep
- blend
- bless
- blest
- blimp
- blind
- bling
- blink
- bliss
- bloat
- block
- blond
- blood
- bloom
- blown
- blows
- blowy
- blues
- bluff
- blunt
- blurs
- board
- boast
- boats
- bogus
- boils
- bombs
- boned
- bones
- books
- boost
- booth
- booze
- bored
- borne
- bound
- bowel
- bowls
- boxed
- boxer
- boxes
- brace
- braid
- brail
- brain
- brake
- brand
- brass
- brawl
- bread
- breed
- bribe
- bridge
- bring
- broad
- broke
- brown
- brush
- brute
- budge
- built
- bully
- bumpy
- bunch
- bunny
- burns
- burnt
- bushy
- butts
- buyer
5 Letter Words Starting With C
- cabin
- cable
- cache
- caddy
- cadet
- caked
- cakes
- calve
- camel
- cameo
- camps
- canal
- candy
- canoe
- canon
- cards
- cargo
- carol
- carry
- carts
- carve
- cased
- casts
- catch
- cause
- caved
- caves
- cease
- cedar
- cello
- cells
- celts
- cents
- chain
- chair
- chalk
- champ
- chart
- chase
- cheap
- cheat
- check
- cheek
- cheer
- chefs
- chess
- chest
- chews
- chewy
- chick
- chief
- child
- chime
- chips
- chirp
- chive
- choir
- choke
- chomp
- chore
- chuck
- churn
- chute
- cider
- cigar
- claim
- clasp
- class
- clean
- cleat
- cliff
- climb
- cloak
- clone
- close
- cloth
- cloud
- clout
- clown
- clubs
- clues
- coast
- coded
- coils
- coins
- colds
- color
- combo
- comes
- comfy
- condo
- cones
- coral
- cords
- corny
- costs
- couch
- cough
- could
- count
- cover
- covid
- crabs
- crack
- craft
- crane
- crawl
- craze
- crazy
- cream
- cribs
- cried
- cries
- crime
- crisp
- croak
- crowd
- crown
- crude
- crumb
- cupid
- cured
- curly
- curry
- curve
- curvy
- cutch
- cuter
- cysts
5 Letter Words Starting With D
- daddy
- daily
- dairy
- daisy
- dance
- dandy
- darts
- dated
- dates
- deals
- dealt
- death
- debts
- debut
- decaf
- decay
- decks
- decor
- decoy
- deeds
- deems
- deity
- delay
- delta
- delve
- demon
- denim
- dense
- depth
- derby
- desks
- deter
- detox
- diary
- diced
- dices
- diets
- dingy
- dirty
- discs
- ditch
- ditto
- ditty
- dives
- docks
- dodge
- doggy
- doing
- dolls
- donor
- doors
- doped
- doted
- dotty
- dough
- doves
- downs
- dowry
- dozer
- dozes
- draft
- drags
- drain
- drake
- drama
- drank
- drape
- drawl
- drawn
- draws
- dread
- dream
- dress
- dried
- drier
- drill
- drink
- drive
- droid
- drone
- drool
- drops
- drove
- drown
- drugs
- druid
- drums
- drunk
- dryer
- duals
- ducts
- dudes
- duets
- duked
- dukes
- dumps
- dunce
- dunes
- duped
- dusty
- duvet
- dwarf
- dweeb
- dwell
- dying
5 Letter Words Starting With E
- eager
- eagle
- early
- earns
- earth
- eased
- easel
- eaten
- eater
- ebony
- edema
- edges
- edits
- eight
- eject
- elate
- elbow
- elder
- elect
- elite
- elope
- elude
- embed
- ember
- emend
- emoji
- emote
- empty
- enact
- ended
- enema
- enemy
- enjoy
- enter
- entry
- equal
- equip
- erase
- erect
- erode
- error
- erupt
- essay
- ether
- ethic
- etude
- euros
- event
- every
- evils
- exact
- exams
- excel
- exile
- exist
- exits
- expel
- extra
5 Letter Words Starting With F
- fable
- faced
- faces
- facet
- facts
- fades
- fails
- faint
- fairs
- fairy
- fakes
- falls
- false
- famed
- fancy
- fangs
- farce
- farms
- fatal
- fated
- fatty
- favor
- fazed
- fears
- feast
- fecal
- feeds
- feels
- feint
- feist
- fella
- felon
- fence
- ferry
- fetal
- fetch
- fever
- fiber
- field
- fiend
- fifth
- fifty
- fight
- files
- films
- filth
- final
- finds
- fined
- fired
- fires
- first
- fishy
- fists
- fitch
- fiver
- fives
- fixed
- fixer
- fixes
- fizzy
- flags
- flake
- flame
- flank
- flaps
- flare
- flash
- flask
- flats
- fleas
- fleet
- flesh
- flied
- flies
- fling
- flips
- flirt
- float
- flock
- flood
- floor
- flora
- flour
- flown
- fluff
- fluid
- fluke
- flume
- flush
- flute
- flyer
- foamy
- focus
- foggy
- folks
- fonts
- foods
- fools
- force
- forge
- forgo
- forks
- forth
- forty
- forum
- found
- frail
- frame
- frank
- fraud
- freak
- freed
- fresh
- fried
- fries
- frisk
- frock
- frogs
- front
- frost
- frown
- fruit
- fryer
- fudge
- fuels
- fully
- fumed
- fumes
- funds
- funny
- fused
- fussy
- fuzzy
5 Letter Words Starting With G
- gable
- gaffs
- gains
- gales
- gamed
- gamer
- games
- gangs
- gases
- gasps
- gassy
- gated
- gaunt
- gears
- geeks
- geeky
- genes
- genie
- genre
- gents
- genus
- germs
- ghost
- giant
- giddy
- gifts
- girls
- girly
- given
- glade
- glare
- glass
- glaze
- glean
- glide
- gloat
- globe
- globs
- gloom
- glory
- gloss
- glove
- glows
- glued
- glues
- gnarl
- gnome
- goads
- goats
- going
- goods
- goofy
- goopy
- goose
- gored
- gouge
- grabs
- grace
- grade
- grain
- grand
- grant
- grape
- graph
- grasp
- grass
- gravy
- graze
- great
- greed
- green
- greet
- grief
- grill
- grind
- gripe
- grips
- groan
- groom
- grope
- gross
- group
- grove
- growl
- grown
- grows
- gruel
- grunt
- guard
- guess
- guest
- guide
- guild
- guilt
- gulps
- gummy
- gusts
- gutsy
5 Letter Words Starting With H
- habit
- hacks
- hairy
- halls
- halve
- hands
- handy
- hangs
- happy
- hardy
- harsh
- hatch
- hated
- hater
- hates
- haunt
- haven
- havoc
- hazed
- heads
- heard
- heart
- heavy
- heist
- helps
- hence
- herby
- hides
- hiked
- hiker
- hikes
- hills
- hinds
- hinge
- hints
- hippo
- hippy
- hired
- hitch
- hoard
- hobby
- hocus
- holds
- holed
- holes
- holey
- homed
- honor
- hoods
- hoots
- hopes
- horde
- horse
- hosed
- hoses
- hosts
- hound
- hours
- hover
- howdy
- hubby
- human
- humid
- humor
- humph
- humps
- hurry
- hurts
5 Letter Words Starting With I
- icier
- icing
- icons
- ideal
- ideas
- idiot
- idles
- idols
- igloo
- image
- inbox
- incur
- index
- inept
- inked
- inlet
- inner
- input
- inset
- intel
- intro
- iodin
- ionic
- irate
- irons
- irony
- issue
- items
- ivory
5 Letter Words Starting With J
- jacks
- jaded
- jades
- jails
- janky
- jaunt
- jeans
- jeers
- jelly
- jerks
- jerky
- jests
- jewel
- jiffy
- jiggy
- jinks
- jived
- jives
- joins
- joint
- joked
- joker
- jokes
- jokey
- jolly
- jolts
- jowls
- judge
- juice
- juicy
- jumbo
- jumps
- jumpy
- junky
- juror
- juvie
5 Letter Words Starting With K
- karat
- karma
- kayak
- kebab
- keels
- keeps
- kefir
- keyed
- kicks
- kiddo
- kiddy
- kings
- kiosk
- kited
- kites
- knack
- kneel
- knees
- knell
- knife
- knobs
- knock
- known
- knows
- knubs
- koala
- kooks
- kraft
5 Letter Words Starting With L
- label
- labor
- laced
- laces
- lacks
- lager
- lairy
- lakes
- lambs
- lamps
- lands
- lapse
- large
- lasts
- later
- laugh
- lawed
- lawns
- layer
- leach
- leady
- leaks
- leaky
- leaps
- learn
- lease
- leash
- least
- leave
- ledge
- leech
- leeks
- left
- legal
- leggy
- legit
- lemon
- lemur
- lends
- letch
- letup
- level
- lever
- lexis
- liars
- libel
- libra
- lifts
- light
- liked
- likes
- limit
- lined
- linen
- liner
- lingo
- lings
- links
- lions
- lisps
- lists
- lived
- liver
- lives
- loads
- loans
- loath
- lobby
- local
- locks
- lodge
- lofts
- logic
- login
- loner
- longs
- looks
- looms
- loops
- loose
- lords
- loser
- loses
- lossy
- lotto
- lotus
- lousy
- loved
- lover
- loves
- lower
- loyal
- lucid
- lucks
- lucky
- lumpy
- lunch
- lungs
- lurch
- lured
- lurks
- lying
- lymph
- lyric
5 Letter Words Starting With M
- macho
- macro
- madam
- madly
- mafia
- magic
- maids
- mains
- major
- maker
- males
- males
- mango
- mania
- manic
- manly
- maple
- march
- marks
- marry
- marsh
- masks
- mason
- mates
- mauls
- maxim
- maybe
- mayor
- meals
- means
- meant
- meaty
- medal
- melon
- melts
- mends
- merch
- mercy
- merge
- merit
- merry
- messy
- metal
- meter
- metro
- micro
- midst
- might
- miles
- milky
- mimic
- mince
- minds
- minor
- mints
- minty
- mirky
- mites
- mixed
- mixer
- mocha
- mocks
- modal
- model
- modem
- modes
- mogul
- moist
- mommy
- month
- moons
- moose
- moral
- motel
- motor
- motto
- mound
- mount
- mourn
- mouse
- mouth
- moved
- mover
- moves
- movie
- mucky
- mucus
- muddy
- multi
- mummy
- music
- muted
- myths
5 Letter Words Starting With N
- nacho
- nails
- naive
- naked
- named
- names
- nanny
- nasal
- nasty
- natal
- navel
- nears
- necks
- needs
- needy
- nerds
- nerdy
- nerve
- nervy
- nests
- never
- newly
- nicer
- niche
- niece
- night
- nines
- ninth
- noble
- nobly
- noisy
- nomad
- north
- noses
- nosey
- noted
- notes
- nouns
- nudge
- nuked
- nurse
- nutty
- nylon
5 Letter Words Starting With O
- oasis
- obese
- obeys
- object
- ocean
- oddly
- offal
- offer
- often
- oiled
- older
- olive
- omega
- omens
- onion
- onset
- opens
- opera
- opium
- organ
- ought
- ounce
- ousts
- outer
- ovary
- ovens
- overt
- owing
- owned
- owner
- oxide
- ozone
5 Letter Words Starting With P
- paced
- pacer
- pacts
- paged
- pager
- pages
- pains
- paint
- pairs
- palms
- panda
- panel
- panic
- pants
- panty
- paper
- parse
- parts
- party
- pasta
- paste
- pasty
- patch
- paths
- peace
- peach
- pearl
- pecan
- pedal
- peels
- peers
- penny
- peril
- perky
- pesto
- pests
- petal
- photo
- piano
- piece
- piled
- pinch
- pitch
- pivot
- pizza
- place
- plain
- plane
- plank
- plans
- plant
- plate
- plays
- plugs
- plump
- plums
- poach
- poems
- poets
- poked
- pokes
- pooch
- pores
- pound
- power
- prank
- prays
- price
- pride
- prior
- prism
- privy
- prize
- probe
- props
- proud
- prude
- puffy
- pulse
- pumps
- punch
- puppy
- puree
- purge
- purse
- putty
- pylon
5 Letter Words Starting With Q
- quads
- quake
- queen
- query
- quest
- queue
- quick
- quiet
- quill
- quilt
- quirk
- quite
- quits
- quota
- quote
5 Letter Words Starting With R
- rabid
- raced
- racer
- races
- racks
- radar
- radio
- raged
- rages
- rails
- rains
- rainy
- raked
- rally
- ramen
- ramps
- ranch
- range
- rapid
- raspy
- rated
- rates
- ratio
- raved
- raven
- razer
- razor
- react
- ready
- realm
- reams
- rebel
- rebid
- rebuy
- recap
- recon
- rehab
- reign
- reins
- relay
- relic
- remit
- remix
- renal
- renew
- repay
- reply
- reset
- resin
- retro
- retry
- reuse
- rhino
- rhyme
- rides
- ridge
- rifle
- rifts
- right
- rigid
- rings
- rinse
- riots
- ripen
- rises
- risks
- risky
- rites
- river
- roads
- roars
- roast
- robot
- rocks
- rocky
- rodeo
- rogue
- roles
- rolls
- roots
- roped
- ropes
- roses
- rough
- round
- rouse
- route
- rover
- royal
- ruble
- rugby
- ruins
- ruled
- ruler
- rules
- rumor
- runny
- rural
- rusty
5 Letter Words Starting With S
- saber
- sacks
- sadly
- safer
- saint
- salad
- sales
- salon
- salsa
- salts
- salty
- sandy
- satin
- sauce
- saucy
- sauna
- saved
- saver
- saves
- savor
- scald
- scale
- scalp
- scams
- scare
- scarf
- scary
- scene
- scent
- scoff
- scone
- scope
- score
- scorn
- scour
- scram
- scrub
- scuba
- scuff
- seats
- sects
- seeds
- seeks
- seems
- seize
- sends
- sense
- serve
- setup
- seven
- sever
- sewer
- shack
- shade
- shaft
- shake
- shall
- shame
- shape
- shark
- shelf
- shell
- shift
- shine
- shiny
- ships
- shirt
- shock
- shoot
- shore
- shots
- shout
- shred
- shrug
- sided
- silky
- silly
- since
- sings
- sinks
- sinus
- sited
- sites
- sixth
- sixty
- sized
- sizes
- skate
- skies
- skill
- slack
- slang
- slave
- sleep
- sleet
- slept
- slick
- slide
- slime
- sling
- slope
- slosh
- sloth
- slung
- slurp
- slush
- small
- smart
- smash
- smear
- smell
- smelt
- smile
- smoke
- smoky
- snack
- snail
- snake
- snare
- snoop
- snore
- snuff
- sober
- socks
- softy
- solve
- sound
- space
- spade
- spare
- spark
- speak
- spear
- speed
- speel
- spicy
- spied
- spies
- spiky
- spill
- spine
- spite
- split
- spoil
- spoke
- spoof
- spoon
- sport
- spots
- spout
- squad
- squid
- stack
- staff
- stage
- stair
- stalk
- stamp
- stare
- stars
- start
- stash
- state
- steak
- steal
- steam
- steel
- steep
- steps
- stich
- stick
- stiff
- sting
- stink
- stint
- stock
- stoke
- stomp
- stone
- stood
- stool
- stoop
- store
- storm
- story
- stove
- straw
- stray
- stubs
- stuck
- stuff
- stunt
- style
- sugar
- suite
- sunny
- super
- sushi
- sweat
- sweet
- swell
- swept
- swift
- swing
- swipe
- swish
- sword
- sworn
- syrup
5 Letter Words Starting With T
- table
- taboo
- taken
- taker
- takes
- tales
- talk
- talon
- tango
- tardy
- taste
- tasty
- taxed
- taxes
- teach
- tease
- teeth
- tenet
- tenth
- thank
- theft
- their
- theme
- there
- these
- thick
- thief
- thigh
- thing
- think
- thorn
- those
- three
- threw
- throw
- thugs
- thumb
- tibia
- tiger
- tight
- timer
- tinge
- tipsy
- tired
- tires
- titan
- titer
- title
- toast
- token
- tonic
- tooth
- topic
- torch
- torso
- total
- touch
- tough
- towel
- tower
- toxic
- trace
- tract
- trade
- train
- trait
- tramp
- trash
- tread
- trend
- trial
- trick
- tried
- truce
- truck
- truly
- trunk
- truth
- tulip
- tummy
- tuned
- tuner
- turbo
- tweak
- tweed
- twice
- twirl
- twist
- typed
5 Letter Words Starting With U
- ulcer
- ultra
- uncle
- under
- undue
- unfit
- unify
- union
- unite
- unity
- untie
- until
- unzip
- upend
- upper
- upset
- urban
- urine
- usage
- using
- usurp
5 Letter Words Starting With V
- vague
- valet
- valid
- value
- valve
- vapor
- vault
- vegan
- venom
- venue
- verge
- verve
- video
- villa
- vinyl
- viola
- viper
- viral
- visit
- vital
- vivid
- vocal
- voice
- vomit
- vouch
5 Letter Words Starting With W
- wacky
- waded
- wager
- wages
- wagon
- waist
- walks
- walls
- wants
- warns
- warty
- washy
- waste
- watch
- water
- waved
- wavey
- waxed
- weary
- weeks
- weigh
- weird
- wench
- whack
- whale
- wheat
- wheel
- where
- which
- while
- whisk
- white
- whole
- whoof
- whose
- widen
- wider
- widow
- width
- wield
- wimpy
- wince
- winch
- windy
- wined
- wiped
- wiper
- wipes
- wispy
- witch
- witty
- wives
- woken
- woman
- women
- wonky
- woozy
- wordy
- world
- worst
- would
- wound
- wreak
- wreck
- wring
- wrist
- write
- wrong
- wrote
5 Letter Words Starting With X
- xebec
- xeric
- xenia
- xenon
- xians
5 Letter Words Starting With Y
- yacht
- yahoo
- yappy
- yarns
- yearn
- years
- yeast
- yield
- yikes
- young
- yours
- yucky
- yummy
- yuppy
- yurts
5 Letter Words Starting With Z
- zebra
- zeros
- zesty
- zilch
- zingy
- zippy
- zones
- zonks
- zooms
When Should Students Learn 5-Letter Words?
Learning 5-letter words marks a key milestone in a student’s reading journey, signifying the transition from foundational reading skills to more advanced literacy abilities. Before tackling 5-letter words, students start learning the sounds of individual letters. They then progress to reading simple words, such as CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) constructions like ‘cat’ and ‘dog’. The next step involves understanding long vowel sounds through CVCE (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant-Silent E) words, where a silent ‘e’ changes vowel sounds, as in ‘cake’ or ‘hope’.
Following this, students encounter digraphs, where two letters form a single sound; blends, in which grouped consonants maintain their distinct sounds; and diphthongs, which involve complex vowel sounds that glide from one to another within the same syllable. Only after grasping these concepts are students ready to learn and proficiently read 5-letter words.
Why Is It Important For Students To Learn 5-Letter Words?
Learning 5-letter words is an important step in a student’s academic progress, which has many key benefits.
- Enhanced Vocabulary: Mastering 5-letter words significantly expands a student’s vocabulary. This, in turn, enables students to read and understand more complex texts and to express their thoughts and ideas more precisely.
- Decoding Multi-Syllabic Words: Familiarity with 5-letter words aids in decoding and comprehending multi-syllabic words, fostering greater independence in learning new vocabulary.
- Increased Reading Confidence: Achieving proficiency in 5-letter words boosts students’ confidence in their reading abilities. This increased confidence can lead to a greater enjoyment of reading, which encourages learning even more new words.
- Foundation for More Advanced Literacy: Acquiring skills in 5-letter words lays the groundwork for advanced literacy. It prepares students for encountering a wider range of linguistic challenges in their future academic endeavors.
Fun Ways To Teach 5-Letter Words
Make Your Own Wordle Puzzle
A super fun way to teach 5-letter words is to create your own Wordle puzzle. To do this, simply draw a grid on the board that is 5 squares across and 6 squares down. Next, think of a 5-letter word, but don’t tell students what it is. Then, have students guess a five-letter word. Each time a student guesses, write that word in the grid, and if any letters from that word match your secret word and is in the same position, color that square in green. As students guess more words, they should get closer to guessing the secret word. After six attempts, if students have not yet guessed the word, then they lose.
Alternatively, give each student or pair of students a wordle grid and have them create their own puzzles to then challenge their classmates with.
5-Letter Word Story Challenge
This activity encourages students to be creative while applying their vocabulary knowledge. To play, give each student or pair of students a list of 20-30 5-letter words. Then, give them 10-15 minutes to write a story that uses each of the words at least once. After completing the story, have students share their fun tales with the class.
5-Letter Word Scavenger Hunt
Organize a scavenger hunt where children need to find objects that are 5-letter words (like “apple”, “plant”, etc.). This can be done in the classroom, playground, or at home. It’s a fun way to connect words with the physical world.
Bingo With 5-Letter Words
Create bingo cards with a variety of 5-letter words. As you call out the words, students can mark them off on their cards. This game not only teaches new words but also reinforces spelling and word recognition.