50 Fun Put A Finger Down Questions

Put A Finger Down is a super fun activity that you can use as a warm-up or an ice-breaker in class. And the best part? All you need to prepare for this activity is some fun ‘Put A Finger Down’ questions.

The idea of the game is simple: all students should hold up their 10 fingers, which represent their ‘lives.’ The teacher then reads out a sentence like, “Put a finger down if you have ever called a teacher ‘mom,” and if that sentence is true for anyone, they should put one of their fingers down. The last student to lose all their lives is the winner.

Here are 50 fun ‘Put A Finger Down’ questions you can use for this activity. Below, you’ll also find a ready-made activity video you can use in class, plus some useful tips on how to make the most of this icebreaker game.

Put A Finger Down Questions

  1. Put a finger down if you have ever called a teacher “mom”.
  2. Put a finger down if you have ever lied about being sick.
  3. Put a finger down if you have ever walked into a lamp post.
  4. Put a finger down if you have ever cried at a movie.
  5. Put a finger down if you have ever dropped your phone in the toilet.
  6. Put a finger down if you have ever used someone else’s toothbrush.
  7. Put a finger down if you have ever laughed so hard that drink comes out of your nose.
  8. Put a finger down if you have ever talked to an animal.
  9. Put a finger down if you have ever read someone else’s diary.A Put A Finger Down Question Example
  10. Put a finger down if you have ever run out of toilet paper in the restroom.
  11. Put a finger down if you have ever picked your nose and eaten it.
  12. Put a finger down if you have ever shared someone else’s secret.
  13. Put a finger down if you have ever gone to bed without brushing your teeth.
  14. Put a finger down if you have ever fallen backward off your chair.
  15. Put a finger down if you have ever eaten dessert before dinner.
  16. Put a finger down if you have ever forgotten your homework.
  17. Put a finger down if you have ever laughed so hard you snorted.
  18. Put a finger down if you have ever tripped over your own feet.
  19. Put a finger down if you have ever sung in the shower.
  20. Put a finger down if you have ever forgotten someone’s name.
  21. Put a finger down if you have ever made a silly face in a mirror.
  22. Put a finger down if you have ever worn mismatched socks.
  23. Put a finger down if you have ever built a fort out of blankets.A Put A Finger Down Question Example
  24. Put a finger down if you have ever accidentally called someone the wrong name.
  25. Put a finger down if you have ever sung karaoke.
  26. Put a finger down if you have ever worn your clothes inside out.
  27. Put a finger down if you have ever climbed a tree.
  28. Put a finger down if you have ever made a snow angel.
  29. Put a finger down if you have ever eaten something you dropped on the floor.
  30. Put a finger down if you have ever played a prank on someone.
  31. Put a finger down if you have ever tried to lick your elbow.
  32. Put a finger down if you have ever taken a selfie.
  33. Put a finger down if you have ever been scared of a spider.
  34. Put a finger down if you have ever made a wish on a star.
  35. Put a finger down if you have ever received a love letter.A Put A Finger Down Question Example
  36. Put a finger down if you have ever gone camping.
  37. Put a finger down if you have ever swum in the ocean.
  38. Put a finger down if you have ever ridden a horse.
  39. Put a finger down if you have ever eaten an entire pizza by yourself.
  40. Put a finger down if you have ever fed ducks at a park.
  41. Put a finger down if you have ever danced in your bedroom.
  42. Put a finger down if you have ever worn pajamas all day.
  43. Put a finger down if you have ever eaten breakfast for dinner.
  44. Put a finger down if you have ever seen a double rainbow.
  45. Put a finger down if you have ever seen a shooting star.
  46. Put a finger down if you have ever written a poem.
  47. Put a finger down if you have ever shoplifted something.
  48. Put a finger down if you have ever made a prank phone call.
  49. Put a finger down if you have ever told a bad joke.
  50. Put a finger down if you have ever failed to wash your hands after going to the restroom.

How To Play ‘Put A Finger Down’

This game is a great icebreaker activity. To play Put A Finger Down, all you need to prepare is a set of fun sentences for the game. Choose 15-20 sentences from the list above and write them down somewhere the students cannot see. Alternatively, use the ready-made activity video above which includes 15 Put A Finger Down questions.

Start by asking the students to stand up and hold up all 10 fingers. Then, explain that you will read out a sentence, and if the sentence applies to them, they must put one of their fingers down. For example, you might say, “Put a finger down if you have ever called a teacher ‘mom.’” If that’s true for them, they put one finger down. The last student with fingers still up is the winner!

Tips For Playing ‘Put A Finger Down’ In Class

Put A Finger Down is a fantastic way to get your students interacting and having fun, but a few extra tips can help make the game even better! Here are some ideas to make your game more enjoyable and engaging for everyone:

1. Encourage Story Sharing

When students put a finger down, encourage them to share a quick story or explain their answer. This often leads to great conversations and lots of laughs as students share their personal experiences related to the statements.

2. Keep the Energy Up

Make sure to keep the game lively and exciting! Read the questions with enthusiasm and encourage students to react to the statements. A bit of excitement can turn a simple game into a highlight of the day.

3. Balance Common and Unique Questions

To keep the game engaging, use a mix of questions that almost everyone can relate to and some that only a few people might have experienced. This balance keeps the game fun for everyone and adds an element of surprise!

4. Create a Theme

Add an extra layer of fun by creating a theme for the game. Themes can make the game feel fresh and exciting and can be based on holidays, seasons, or students’ hobbies and interests.

5. Use Positive Reinforcement

Celebrate students who stay in the game the longest or share interesting stories. Positive reinforcement helps keep everyone motivated and makes the game more enjoyable for all.


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