4th-Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Download these FREE 4th-grade reading comprehension worksheets and use them in class today! Each of the worksheets below focuses on a particular comprehension skill that 4th-grade students typically study. Students are asked to read the passage and then answer the reading comprehension questions on the next page.
Worksheet 1

This first reading comprehension worksheet is a fictional story for students reading at a fourth-grade level. Students are asked to read the story and then answer the questions on the next page. Each question is designed to help students use the information in the text to make educated guesses about the story’s events and characters’ motivations.
Worksheet 2

This next 4th-grade reading comprehension worksheet is a fictional story that teaches a lesson. Students are asked to read the passage and answer questions about the main message of the story and how the events and characters in the story help to convey this theme.
Worksheet 3

This next reading comprehension worksheet is designed to help 4th-grade students interpret and appreciate figurative language. Students are asked to read the poem and then answer questions about the similes and metaphors used to describe the ocean in the poem.
Worksheet 4

Next is a 4th-grade reading comprehension worksheet about dinosaurs. Students are asked to read the passage and then answer the questions on the next page. Each question is designed to guide students to distinguish facts from opinions in the text.
Worksheet 5

This last worksheet is a reading comprehension worksheet about the solar system. After reading the passage, students are asked to answer the questions on the next page. The aim of the questions is to help students use the text structure, like headings and subheadings, to locate, understand, and interpret information effectively.
More Reading Comprehension Worksheets
I hope you and your students enjoy these 4th-grade reading comprehension worksheets. Before you go, check out all our many reading comprehension worksheets on a variety of topics. As always, these are FREE to use in your lessons.