Directions Worksheets | Free Worksheets About Giving Directions
Download directions worksheets and use them in class today. On this page, you can find a collection of PDF worksheets for teaching English lessons about directions / giving directions. All these directions worksheets are absolutely free to use in your classes. These directions worksheets are great for kids and beginner ESL students to learn about giving directions in English. See below for the worksheets currently available and check the bottom of the page for related resources.
Directions Worksheets

Worksheet 1
In this directions worksheet, students should read the directions and follow the directions on the map. Then students should write the places/buildings in the blank spaces to complete the worksheet. This worksheet is great for kids and beginner ESL students to review giving directions in English.

Worksheet 2
This directions worksheet is great to review words used when giving directions. Students should connect the words to the correct picture.

Worksheet 3
This worksheet is a speaking activity for students to practice giving directions in English. First, cut the worksheet along the dotted line. Put students into pairs and give one half of the worksheet to each student. Then students should ask their partner for directions to find out where the different places are. For example, ‘Where is the library?’. At the end of the activity, both students’ maps should look the same. Information gap worksheets like this are great to get students speaking in a communicative way.

Worksheet 4
This worksheet is a bingo worksheet to practice the places around town vocabulary. Students should cut out the pictures and arrange them in a 3×3 bingo grid in any order they want.

Worksheet 5
This worksheet is a simple writing worksheet to practice directions vocabulary. There are 12 keywords related to giving directions and students should write each word three times.

Worksheet 6
This blank map directions worksheet can be used for many different activities. For example, the students could ask the teacher ‘Where is the school?’ and the teacher can give them directions, such as ‘Go straight two blocks and turn right.’, etc. Then students can draw the school on the map. This blank map can be used for any activity you can think of.
Related Resources
For more lesson materials for teaching English lessons about giving directions in English, check out these related resources:
Printable Directions Flashcards
Directions PowerPoint Lesson
Buildings And Places Board Games
Five Fun Activities To Teach Directions In English