Superlative Adjectives Lesson Plan
Teaching superlative adjectives? Then check out this superlative adjectives lesson plan. In this lesson, students will learn how to compare three or more things using superlative adjectives. Students will first review comparative adjectives and then will learn how to change adjectives into their superlative form. Following that, students will play a fun game and complete a worksheet to practice using superlatives to make sentences. All the materials needed for this lesson are included below.
Superlative Adjectives Lesson Plan
Review Comparatives
Before students learn about superlative adjectives, first review comparatives. A great way to do this and warm up the class at the same time is to play a quick game. Write some adjectives on pieces of paper (for example, strong, tall, fast, close, etc) and place them in a container.
Next, invite two students up to the front of the class and have one of them choose an adjective from the container. The adjective that is chosen will determine the challenge that the two students must do. For example, if they choose ‘strong’ then the two students must arm wrestle to see who is stronger. If they choose ‘tall’ then the two students must stand back to back to see who is taller. After each challenge, ask the rest of the class “Who is (stronger)?” and have them answer (i.e. “Kelly is stronger than Chris.”).
Teach Superlative Adjectives

Now that students have reviewed comparatives, it’s time to introduce students to superlative adjectives. Explain to students that comparatives are used to compare two things, but when you want to compare three or more things, superlative adjectives are used.
Next, it’s time to teach students the conjugation rules and show them how to take an adjective and change it into its superlative form. You can use this PowerPoint lesson which includes these rules and lots of examples to help them understand.
Practice Making Superlative Sentences
Next, it’s time for students to try and make some superlative sentences on their own. I great way to do this is to use this superlatives quiz. There are 10 rounds and in each round students are asked a question and must answer using a superlative adjective. For example, question 1 asks “Which is the fastest? A cheetah, a falcon, or a zebra?”
Superlative Exercise Worksheet

Finally, it’s time for students to review what they learned while completing a superlative exercise worksheet. Download and print this worksheet and give one to each student. There are 15 sentences with the adjective missing. Students must fill in the blank space with the correct superlative form.
Related Resources
Thanks for reading. I hope you found this lesson plan on superlative adjectives useful. Before you go, be sure to check out these related resources you can use in your class:
Comparative And Superlative Questions
Superlative Adjective Exercises
List Of Regular And Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives
Games And Activities To Teach Comparatives And Superlatives