Jeopardy Template

Jeopardy Template

Download this Jeopardy Template and use it in class today. This template is a free Jeopardy PPT game to use in class. Simply type in your own questions and answers and the game is ready to use. This Jeopardy game can be played in the classroom or while teaching online in a virtual classroom. See below to preview and download this jeopardy template and for instructions on how to play Jeopardy in class.

Need Question Ideas? Check out these 75 Jeopardy Questions And Answers

How To Play Jeopardy

  1. Make 2/3 teams.
  2. Teams then take turns choosing a category and a value. For example, ‘Animals for $400’.
  3. Then click on the chosen box to show the answer.
  4. Players must then guess what the question is to that answer.
  5. Then, click on the slide to show the question.
  6. If players guess correctly, they receive the chosen value (e.g., $400) as points for their team.
  7. Then click ‘Back to the board’ to return to the main slide.
  8. Continue until all the boxes have been chosen. The team with the most points/money is the winner.