50 Distinctive Animals That Start With D | Plus Fun Facts, Worksheets, And A Quiz!
Animals that start with D! How many can you name? In this post, we’ve put together an extensive list of 50 animals beginning with the letter D. In addition to a list of animals that start with D, you’ll also find a fun fact about each of these animals, a printable worksheet, and a fun quiz to help you learn these animal names. Join us as we learn about these fascinating animals that start with the letter D.
Animals That Start With D List
Here’s a list of 50 common animals that start with the letter D:
- Dachshund
- Dalmatian
- Damselfish
- Darter (Bird)
- Darter (Fish)
- Darwin’s Frog
- Deer
- Degu
- Deinonychus (a type of dinosaur)
- Dhole
- Dik-dik
- Dilophosaurus (a type of dinosaur)
- Dingo
- Diplodocus (a type of dinosaur)
- Discus (Fish)
- Doberman Pinscher
- Dogfish
- Dolphin
- Donkey
- Dorado
- Dorking (Chicken breed)
- Dormouse
- Dotterel (Bird)
- Dove
- Dragonfish
- Dragonfly
- Drever (Dog breed)
- Drongo (Bird)
- Duck
- Duckbill Platypus
- Dugong
- Dung Beetle
- Dunlin (Bird)
- Dunnart
- Dusky Dolphin
- Dusky Langur
- Dwarf Crocodile
- Dwarf Mongoose
- Dwarf Rabbit
- Dybowski’s Sika Deer
- Dalmatian Pelican
- Dusky Grouper (a type of fish)
- Damselfly
- Desert Tortoise
- Diamondback Terrapin
- Diamondback Rattlesnake
- Dromedary Camel
- Dusky Shark
- Damara Zebra
- Desert Iguana
Animals That Start With D Worksheet

Here’s a fun activity worksheet to learn the names of animals beginning with D. There are 12 animal pictures and 12 animal names. To complete the worksheet, you must match the animal picture with the correct animal name. As always, these worksheet is FREE.
Quiz – Can You Name These Animals That Start With D?
This fun quiz will test your knowledge of animals that start with the letter D. There are 10 rounds and in each round you will be shown an animal name and two animal pictures. You must correctly identify the animal beginning with D. Good luck!
Fun Facts About Animals That Start With D
Despite their small size, Dachshunds were originally bred in Germany to hunt badgers, with their long bodies and short legs making them ideal for tunneling into badger dens.
Dalmatians are born without spots. Their distinctive black or liver spots start to appear when they are around two weeks old.
Many species of Damselfish are known for their bright coloration and the farming behavior of certain species, who maintain ‘algae gardens’ for their food source.
Darter (Bird)
Darters are often called “snake-birds” due to their long thin neck, which gives a snake-like appearance when they swim with their bodies submerged.
Darter (Fish)
Darter fish, found in freshwater environments, are named for their quick, darting movements and lack of a swim bladder, which allows them to stay on the river bottom.
Darwin’s Frog
Unique among frogs, the male Darwin’s Frog carries its young in its vocal sac where the tadpoles develop into froglets before emerging.
Deer are the only animal that can regrow an organ, their antlers, which they shed and regrow each year.
The Degu, a small rodent from Chile, is a highly social animal that lives in communities of up to 100 individuals.
Deinonychus (a type of dinosaur)
Deinonychus, a dinosaur known from the Cretaceous period, was one of the first dinosaurs revealed to have bird-like, rather than reptilian, characteristics.
Dholes, or Asiatic wild dogs, use whistles to communicate with each other, earning them the nickname “whistling dogs.”
Dik-diks are small African antelopes that mark their territory with tears, using a gland near their eyes to create a sticky secretion.
Dilophosaurus (a type of dinosaur)
The Dilophosaurus, despite its portrayal in “Jurassic Park,” did not actually spit poison or have a frilled neck. This was a fictional addition to make the dinosaur seem more interesting.
Dingoes in Australia have been found to use tools. They use sticks and rocks to crush the shells of sea creatures they find on the beach.
Diplodocus (a type of dinosaur)
The Diplodocus had the longest tail of any dinosaur, which may have been used like a whip to deter predators.
Discus (Fish)
Discus Fish are popular in the aquarium trade for their bright colors and patterns. They are named for their disk-like shape.
Doberman Pinscher
Doberman Pinschers are known for their loyalty and intelligence. They were initially bred by a tax collector named Louis Dobermann for protection during his rounds.
Dogfish are a type of small shark, and despite their size, they can live up to 100 years.
Dolphins are known for their intelligence and complex social structures. They’ve been observed using tools like sea sponges to protect their noses while foraging.
Donkeys have an exceptional memory and can recognize areas and other donkeys they were with up to 25 years ago.
Also known as Mahi Mahi or Dolphinfish, Dorado are known for their brilliant colors and rapid growth rates.
Dorking (Chicken breed)
The Dorking is one of the oldest known chicken breeds, originally bred by the Romans and named for the English town of Dorking.
Despite the implications of their name, Dormice are not mice but belong to a separate family of rodents. They’re known for their long periods of hibernation.
Dotterel (Bird)
Female Dotterels are more brightly colored than males and, unusually for birds, take the lead in courtship while males incubate the eggs and care for the chicks.
Doves are a symbol of peace and love in various cultures. They are one of the few bird species known to drink water without lifting their heads.
Deep-sea Dragonfish have bioluminescent photophores along their bodies that they use for attracting prey in the dark ocean depths.
Dragonflies have exceptional flight abilities, including the ability to fly backwards, hover, and change direction abruptly. They are one of the most effective hunters, capturing up to 95% of their prey.
Drever (Dog breed)
The Drever is a Swedish breed of dog used for hunting deer. Despite their short legs, they’re excellent trackers with a keen sense of smell.
Drongo (Bird)
Drongos are known for their ability to mimic the calls of other birds and even some mammals, which they use for various purposes like attracting prey or warning others of predators.
Ducks have highly waterproof feathers due to an oily coating that they spread across their feathers during preening.
Duckbill Platypus
The Duckbill Platypus is one of the few mammals that lay eggs. Male platypuses also have a venomous spur on their hind foot.
Dugongs, along with manatees, are the only herbivorous mammals in the sea. They’re often called “sea cows” due to their diet of seagrass.
Dung Beetle
Dung beetles are known for their unique behavior of rolling and burying dung, which they use as food or nesting sites.
Dunlin (Bird)
Dunlin birds breed in Arctic regions but migrate south in the winter. They’re known for their synchronized flying in large flocks.
Dunnarts are small marsupials found in Australia. Unlike most marsupials, they do not have a pouch.
Dusky Dolphin
Dusky Dolphins are known for their acrobatics and playful behavior. They often ride the bow wave created by boats.
Dusky Langur
Dusky Langurs, also known as spectacled leaf monkeys, are born with bright orange fur that gradually turns grey as they grow.
Dwarf Crocodile
The Dwarf Crocodile is the smallest living crocodile species. It spends much of its life in burrows on land, unlike most crocodiles.
Dwarf Mongoose
The Dwarf Mongoose is the smallest carnivore in Africa. They live in groups led by a dominant female, who is the only female to breed.
Dwarf Rabbit
Dwarf Rabbits are often kept as pets due to their small size. Despite their small stature, they require the same care and exercise as larger rabbits.
Dybowski’s Sika Deer
Dybowski’s Sika Deer, native to East Asia, are one of the few deer species where both males and females have antlers.
Dalmatian Pelican
The Dalmatian Pelican is one of the largest flying birds in the world. Despite their size, they’re excellent flyers and can travel long distances during migration.
Dusky Grouper (a type of fish)
Dusky Groupers can change their sex from female to male. They’re also known for their long lifespan, living up to 50 years.
Damselflies, like their larger dragonfly cousins, are predators that eat other insects. They hold their wings vertically when at rest, unlike dragon flies.
Desert Tortoise
The Desert Tortoise can store water in its bladder for months, releasing it back into its body as needed.
Diamondback Terrapin
The Diamondback Terrapin is the only North American turtle that lives in brackish waters. Their skin and shell colors vary to match their specific environments.
Diamondback Rattlesnake
The Diamondback Rattlesnake is one of the most venomous snakes in North America. Its rattle is made of keratin, the same material as human fingernails.
Dromedary Camel
The Dromedary Camel, also known as the Arabian camel, has a single hump that stores fat, which can be used as both food and water when resources are scarce.
Dusky Shark
Dusky Sharks are long-distance swimmers known to travel up to 2,500 miles. They’re slow to mature, with females not breeding until they are around 20 years old.
Damara Zebra
The Damara Zebra, a subspecies of the plains zebra, has a unique stripe pattern with shadow stripes between the black and white.
Desert Iguana
The Desert Iguana is one of the most heat-tolerant lizards, capable of being active at temperatures up to 115°F (46°C). They eat primarily plant material, including flowers and fruits.
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