Animals That Start With E

50 Exciting Animals That Start With E | Plus Fun Facts, Worksheets, And A Quiz!

What animals can you name that start with the letter E? Elephant? Eagle? Well, there are a lot more than that! On this page you’ll find a big list of 50 animals that start with E together with fun facts about each animal, a printable worksheet, and a fun quiz to help you learn these animal names!

Animals That Start With E List

Here’s a list of 50 animals that start with the letter E:

  1. Eagle
  2. Eel
  3. Elephant
  4. Elk
  5. Emu
  6. Echidna
  7. Elephant Seal
  8. Eastern Bluebird
  9. Eastern Box Turtle
  10. Eastern Coral Snake
  11. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
  12. Eastern Gorilla
  13. Eastern Grey Kangaroo
  14. Eastern Newt
  15. Eastern Lowland Gorilla
  16. Eastern Mole
  17. Electric Eel
  18. Electric Ray
  19. Emperor Penguin
  20. Emperor Tamarin
  21. Emperor Scorpion
  22. European Badger
  23. European Bison
  24. European Wildcat
  25. European Robin
  26. European Hare
  27. European Hedgehog
  28. European Hornet
  29. European Mole
  30. Eyelash Viper
  31. Eurasian Beaver
  32. Eurasian Lynx
  33. Eurasian Otter
  34. Eurasian Wolf
  35. Eurasian Brown Bear
  36. Eurasian Eagle Owl
  37. Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
  38. Eastern Screech Owl
  39. European Green Lizard
  40. Eurasian Blue Tit
  41. Emerald Tree Boa
  42. Emperor Gum Moth
  43. Eastern Kingbird
  44. Eastern Phoebe
  45. Eastern Blue Tongue Lizard
  46. Emerald Starling
  47. Eastern Fence Lizard
  48. Eastern Yellow Robin
  49. Elephant Shrew
  50. Egyptian Goose

Worksheet – Animals That Start With E

Animals That Start With E - Worksheet

Download and print this worksheet and use it in class today! This worksheet has a list of animals beginning with E, together with images of these animals. To complete the worksheet, you must match the animal name with the correct animal picture.

Quiz Time – Can You Name These Animals Starting With E?

Try this fun quiz and see how many animals you can name. There are ten rounds, and in each round, you will see the animal name, and then you have 5 seconds to choose the correct animal picture. Good luck!

Fun Facts About These Animals


Eagles have incredible eyesight and can detect prey up to two miles away.


Some species of eels can generate powerful electric shocks for both hunting and self-defense.


Elephants are the world’s largest land animals. The largest elephant ever recorded was shot in Angola in 1956. It was a male and weighed about 24,000 pounds!


Elk have a unique type of antler that is more like bone than keratin. It’s one of the fastest-growing tissues on earth.


Emus are the second largest bird by height, after ostriches. They can’t fly but can reach speeds up to 30 miles per hour!


Also known as spiny anteaters, echidnas lay eggs, making them one of the few types of egg-laying mammals.

Elephant Seal

The elephant seal is the largest species of seal in the world. Males can weigh up to 8,800 pounds!

Eastern Bluebird

Eastern bluebirds are not actually completely blue. They are named for the bright blue plumage of males, but females are grayish with touches of blue in the wings and tail.

Eastern Box Turtle

Eastern box turtles are known for their hinged shell, which allows them to completely close their shell to protect themselves.

Eastern Coral Snake

Eastern coral snakes use their bright coloration to warn predators of their deadly venom. Despite their danger to humans, they are actually quite shy!

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

This is the largest venomous snake in North America. Despite their venomous bite, they play important roles in their ecosystems as both predators and prey.

Eastern Gorilla

The Eastern Gorilla is the largest living primate, and they are critically endangered, primarily due to poaching and disease.

Eastern Grey Kangaroo

Eastern grey kangaroos have a unique method of locomotion – hopping! This is energy efficient at high speeds or over long distances.

Eastern Newt

During a stage of their life, eastern newts live on land and are known as “efts”. Later, they return to the water and develop webbed feet and a keeled tail for swimming.

Eastern Lowland Gorilla

These are the largest subspecies of gorillas and one of the five great ape species (along with eastern and western gorillas, orangutans, and chimpanzees).

Eastern Mole

Eastern Moles can eat 70% to 100% of their weight in food per day, mostly earthworms, beetles, spiders, and other small invertebrates.

Electric Eel

Despite their name, electric eels are not actually eels but rather a type of knifefish. They can generate shocks of up to 600 volts!

Electric Ray

Electric rays are capable of producing an electric discharge, used to stun or kill prey.

Emperor Penguin

Emperor penguins are the tallest and heaviest of all penguin species and are known for their lengthy breeding cycle, where the male incubates the egg through the harsh Antarctic winter.

Emperor Tamarin

Emperor tamarins allegedly got their name due to their long, white mustaches, which resemble those of German emperor Wilhelm II.

Emperor Scorpion

Emperor scorpions are one of the largest species of scorpions in the world. They can grow up to 20 cm in length.

European Badger

European badgers are known to be very clean creatures. They build latrines (toilet areas) away from their burrows for defecation.

European Bison

The European Bison is the heaviest land animal in Europe and was once extinct in the wild but has since been reintroduced.

European Wildcat

European wildcats are larger and more robust than domestic cats, with longer legs and a more muscular body.

European Robin

The European Robin is so well-loved in the UK that it was voted the national bird in 2015.

European Hare

European hares can reach speeds of up to 40 mph when threatened, making them one of the fastest land mammals.

European Hedgehog

When under threat, the European Hedgehog rolls itself into a ball to protect its soft belly and exposes its spines to potential predators.

European Hornet

The European hornet is the only true hornet found in North America, introduced from Europe around the mid-1800s.

European Mole

European moles are solitary creatures and have velvety fur which can effectively work in both directions, handy for moving forwards and backwards in tunnels.

Eyelash Viper

The eyelash viper gets its name from the modified scales over its eyes that look like eyelashes.

Eurasian Beaver

Eurasian beavers are master builders, constructing complex dam structures that can transform their environment.

Eurasian Lynx

The Eurasian lynx is the largest lynx species and one of the largest predators in Europe.

Eurasian Otter

The Eurasian otter is the most widely distributed otter species. Its range includes parts of Asia, Europe, and North Africa.

Eurasian Wolf

Eurasian wolves are the largest of Old World wolves, with males averaging 88 lbs (40 kg), but can weigh up to 154 lbs (70 kg).

Eurasian Brown Bear

The Eurasian brown bear is one of the most common subspecies of the brown bear and lives in much of Russia, Asia, Europe, and the Northwest United States.

Eurasian Eagle Owl

The Eurasian Eagle Owl is one of the world’s largest species of owl.

Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

The Eastern Cottontail Rabbit is the most common rabbit species in North America.

Eastern Screech Owl

Despite their name, Eastern Screech Owls don’t actually screech. Their calls are more like soft trills and whinnies.

European Green Lizard

The European Green Lizard can change its color from green to brown during the colder months to better absorb heat from the sun.

Eurasian Blue Tit

The Eurasian Blue Tit is known for its vibrant blue and yellow feathers and its acrobatic feeding style.

Emerald Tree Boa

Emerald tree boas have teeth that are longer than any other non-venomous snake in the world.

Emperor Gum Moth

The Emperor Gum Moth is a species of moth native to Australia. Its caterpillars are often used in schools to teach about insect life cycles.

Eastern Kingbird

Despite its small size, the Eastern Kingbird is known for its aggressive nature when defending its territory, often attacking much larger birds.

Eastern Phoebe

The Eastern Phoebe is a type of flycatcher and was the first bird species to be banded in North America.

Eastern Blue Tongue Lizard

The Eastern Blue Tongue Lizard has a bright blue tongue which is used to warn potential predators.

Emerald Starling

The Emerald Starling, also known as the iris glossy starling, is known for its dazzling bright green plumage.

Eastern Fence Lizard

When threatened, the Eastern Fence Lizard often runs to the nearest tree and climbs to safety, hence the name “fence lizard.”

Eastern Yellow Robin

The Eastern Yellow Robin is one of the few birds

that can feed sideways on tree trunks, thanks to its strong feet.

Elephant Shrew

Despite their name and long, trunk-like nose, elephant shrews are more closely related to elephants than to shrews.

Egyptian Goose

The Egyptian Goose was considered sacred by the Ancient Egyptians and often appears in their artwork.

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